Flickto: Decentralized Media (DeMe) to Disrupt a $2 Trillion Media and Entertainment Industry

One of the most common problems in today’s media landscape is that content creators often don’t get their fair share, both in terms of financial compensation and control over their creations. In an industry where creativity has been greatly suppressed as large corporations have taken control of everything related to media production, there is a clear need for a solution to this glaring global problem.

The role of decentralized media (DeME)

Decentralized media is a relatively new concept in which media companies are open source entities controlled by stakeholders such as artists, consumers and their intermediaries. The goal of DeMe is to build open source platforms that allow individuals to take ownership of their data, in addition to the media projects it sponsors and consumes.

Such a concept is perfectly applicable to the aforementioned media landscape we are currently in, if things stay as they are, it won’t be long before we see a rapid decline in the number of capable and talented content creators simply because these people are not getting the right pay and treatment for their work.

The solution

Projects like cardano‘s Flickto seems to provide an answer to the problems caused by today’s media environment, which regularly includes things like not creating attractive and recognizable media for the public, wasted funds and allowing the big money to dictate what we can and cannot consume. Flickto wants to create a DeMe industry where content creators are treated with respect and get what they owe.

Therefore, to solve the aforementioned problem, Flickto has its ISPO remastered project to motivate more investors to participate in strike and to help solve the issue of unfairness, prejudice and financial inequality in today’s media sector. ISPO Remastered Members Get 0.33 FLICK For Each ADA token held during each epoch. In addition, the project will provide long-term and new benefits for delegation members, such as additional FLICK tokens, non-functioning tokens, and access to exclusive content. Easy said, ISPO remastered seems to initiate real change for real people and Flickto had even partnered with MuesliSwap not too long ago to help with this goal.

The future of the media industry and its content providers

Ultimately, content creators have been trying to get fair compensation for their work in a seemingly biased industry for decades, but it was only recently that things seemed to be changing for the better. This is due to the role that cryptocurrencies and NFTs play today, with these digital assets helping countless investors, traders and even content creators gain financial stability.

It’s unclear at this point whether initiatives like Flickto will solve this global problem of inequality anytime soon, but steps are nonetheless being taken to create a more equal, fair and fair media industry.

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.

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